Government Software Solutions
Case Management for Government Human and Social Service Agencies 
Whether you are an agency for a local municipality, city government, county government, state government or federal government, you need a government case management software that both conforms to strict government guidelines and your own specific needs. With FAMCare, you never have to worry about that. We make sure all our Government Software Solutions give you a system that is standard enough to work out of the box for most government agencies yet is a configurable case management platform that can be tailored to meet your specific needs, whether that’s customization, additional modules or both.
FAMCare provides a framework to support the long term and short term goals of your State and Court policies in terms of reporting and licensing. It helps reinforce standardization, best practices and helps you be resource and measurement focused.
Local Municipality & County Government Case Management 
The safety of your community is important. So is the productivity of your case workers and stake holders. And perhaps the most important thing to your agency is making sure the lives and outcomes of the vulnerable children and families in your care are the best they can possibly be.
We understand this. It’s why we help local governments and municipalities break down silos across county and city lines so that critical information can be shared and all three of those important values are achieved with the most positive possible outcomes. Once these silos are broken down, disparate databases are connected and departments and communities are able to collaborate more efficiently than ever before. Which means they’re able to do it more affordably, too.
This isn’t something we’ve just stared doing. At Global Vision Technologies, we created government software solutions for this purpose 20 years ago and have continuously improved them. In fact, we are currently on our 15th version. Each version has resulted in higher performance, improved security, a streamlined interface and intuitive functionality. This gives organizations of all sizes better ways to manage their critical data.
We know government agency’s needs are often in flux. New regulations, new administrations, fluctuating populations and a myriad of other mitigating factors create change. That’s why FAMCare’s government software solutions are designed to be scalable to your needs. We also provide a framework to support the long-term and short-term goals of your State and Court policies, for both reporting and licensing. This helps reinforce standardization, best practices and helps you be resource and measurement focused.
This system is IDEAL for smaller agencies and facilities to be able to leverage a secure platform to protect and share their data.
State Government Human Services Case Management 
State government agencies hold the same high-performance values as local and county government agencies. The safety of your communities is just as important. So is the productivity of your case workers and stake holders. And making sure the lives and outcomes of the vulnerable children and families in your care are the best they can possibly be is vitally important.
FAMCare understand this. It’s why we help state and local governments break down silos between state, county and city lines in order to share critical information and improve outcomes of all three of these important shared values. Once these silos are broken down, disparate databases are connected and departments and communities are able to collaborate more efficiently and affordably.
At Global Vision Technologies, we created government software solutions for this purpose 10 years ago and have continuously improved them. In fact, we are currently on our 15th version. Each version has resulted in higher performance, improved security, a streamlined interface and intuitive functionality. This gives organizations of all sizes better ways to manage their critical data.
FAMCare has empowered communities to work collaboratively, helped counties share data more efficiently and made it easier for state agencies to understand how programs are performing.
A closer look at how JJOLT uses our system will show you how this works.
Watch the video in the right panel to see how Juvenile Justice Online Technology System (JJOLT) in Michigan is using a state-wide implementation of FAMCare to improve the lives of juveniles in Michigan. Listen to different agency directors, court personnel, detention facility administrators and private providers as they share their experiences and success stories.
JJOLT was an initiative sponsored by the Michigan Department of Human Services (formerly the Family Independence Agency or FIA) and the Bureau of Juvenile Justice (BJJ) created to provide a resource that gives a continuum of care capability to every professional engaging with a child. Medical personnel, social workers, prosecuting attorneys, judges and more – they all have the access needed to provide the best treatment or judgement for each individual child.